Webinar on Market-led Interventions for Seed Security Response

Webinar on Market-led Interventions for Seed Security Response

From contexts of emergencies to times of peace, markets are pivotal in helping farmers access seed. In this webinar, panelists will present lessons from two reviews of market-led emergency seed interventions, analyzing both the supply and demand side.

Panelists will discuss how on the supply side, interventions tend to focus on formal sector market support to ensure seed availability, particularly for improved or modern varieties. They will dive into the potential for both donors and implementors to be more innovative in developing market-led interventions that go beyond seed availability support.

On the demand side, the reviews find that cash transfers for emergency seed security interventions are growing in prevalence. The panelists will explore how cash transfers expand the range of options available to farmers in emergency contexts and how they may be most effective when combined with complementary programming such as technical or business training.

Register and join the webinar on July 1 to hear from seeds systems experts and learn more about the role of markets in emergency settings.